
Libcddb is a small C library to access the CDDB server (Audio CD database). Licence is LGPL

I've created  a package for libcddb and am searching a sponsor for it.

The packages (libcddb0 and libcddb-dev) can be downloaded at http://debian.zorglub.org/packages/libcddb

They are linda and lintian clean.

ITP is at bugs.debian.org/200025

More information :

Complete description :

Libccdb is a C library to access data about Audio CD on a CDDB server
It allow to search the database for CD matches, get detailed information about a CD and submit new CD entries to the database.
It supports both the custom CDDB protocol and the tunneling of the query over HTTP. HTTP Proxying is supported.
 It also features a cache system.
This package contains the runtime library required to run libccd-enabled programs.

Changelog :
libcddb (0.9.5-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release (Closes:#200025)

Thanks for your help,

Clément Stenac

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