On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 09:26:13AM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
> Hi, Colin Watson wrote:
> I would strongly suggest that you use a write-only "incoming", and a
> signature checker which moves packages to the download area if they're OK.
> That checker should do the following:
> - start with the standard DD keyring, + an empty "uploaders" keyring
> - loop forever_and_ever:
>   - is the package correctly signed? no => delete
>   - is the key which was used in one of the keyrings? yes => accept
> + - get the key from one of the keyservers. Failure => delete
> + - is the key signed by somebody who _is_ in the DD keyring? no => delete
> + - add the key to the "uploaders" keyring
>   - accept the package.

Perhaps instead of deleting packages that aren't signed by
authenticated people, move these to a separate download area (one that
isn't apt-getable perhaps). That way, people can still use this in an
attempt to get sponsors without actually having a signature. (I didn't
get my key signed until about I was well into the AM process.)

Duncan Findlay

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