Hash: SHA1

Ivo Marino wrote:

Checking application/pgp-signature: FAILURE
- -- Start of PGP signed section.
> On Tue, 13 May 2003, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> > It appears as though anyone who has an account can upload any package they
> > like.  While this isn't a pressing problem for sponsors (since they'll be
> > collecting source and checking the signatures on the .dsc), this could be a
> > *very* serious problem for anyone who starts relying on the binary packages
> > uploaded to m.d.n.  What sort of protections do you have in place or plan to
> > put in place to protect against this sort of thing?
> >
> If someone can allready point out an eventual solution for this problem
> we'll open to consider any suggestion in order to improve the system.

If I may make a suggestion, a user should only be able to upload a
package that either:

a) doesn't appear in the repository

- -or-

b) already has the uploader as maintainer

- -or-

c) has a RFA/O bug filed in WNPP

That should provide a first line of defense against trojan packages.

Just my $0.02.  Thanks again for the great service!

Joe Nahmias, DD wannabe
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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