Anibal Monsalve Salazar dijo [Fri, May 09, 2003 at 10:21:33AM +1000]:
> In January, at DebConf 2 in Perth, Australia Bdale Garbee as DLP
> said that we should have more debian developers in countries where
> there are almost none. During a Linux conference in Mexico, he was
> amazed with the popularity of debian and none (zero) debian
> developers in that country.
> This is the oportunity of David Rios to become a debian developer.  
> He is from Colombia where there is only _one_ debian developer.

Just FYI... Finally Mexico has also a DD in the team, which happens to
be me ;-) And I am taking Bdale's advice as a rule: I am trying to get
more people involved... This month I am giving 6 presentations (!) all
over the country - Some are to lure people into Free Software, some
(with more technical audiences) are to promote applying for NM. In fact,
I think I will broadcast one of the conferences live with Icecast - Will
keep you posted, in case someone is interested. It will be in Spanish,
though, ;-) But... I hope it is useful.

(BTW, Miguel Ángel Hernández, from Veracruz city in Mexico, is already
in the NM queue)

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
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