Craig P Steffen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Here's THE SNAG: I was sitting down to write to this list to request a
> sponsor, I thought I'd check the qa page for the package one more to
> make sure I hadn't missed anything.  Bug 188998 is from David Rios
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on April 14 saying that he intends to adopt it.  I
> tried e-mailing him at that address, but it bounced with a "User
> Unknown" error.  I looked in the Debian Developer key ring, and I
> don't think he's there. 
> If anyone has any advice as to whether or not it would be ethical to
> pursue getting a sponsor and uploading this package, I'd appreciate
> it.  

Considering the submitter is unreachable and is not a developer, I don't
see any problem with you taking the package.

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less
than half of you half as well as you deserve.

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