On Fri, 18 Apr 2003, Pete Ryland wrote:

> > Or would you like to accuse me of tampering with the list archives while
> > you're at it?
> Oh, ok.  If you'd like. ;-)

Consider me offended.  <g>

> > Out of interest, are there any MUAs which have a separate "reply to list"
> > function?
> Most do AFAIK.  Not sure about pine, but then it's not in Debian anyway.

I knew that sitting in my little side-water of not-really-free software
would cost me.  It seems the world has passed me by.

> I use a catch all lists in my procmail, so I don't have to do anything when
> I join a new list:

Pure art.  Very nice.  Pardon me while I <snarf> those rules.

- Matt

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