On Thu, Apr 17, 2003 at 11:46:21AM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote: > On Wed, 16 Apr 2003, David Z Maze wrote: > > Your mailer doesn't have a "reply to all" button? Get a better one, > > Debian has lots. > > The problem we're discussing, though, is that "reply to all" means exactly > that - to *all*.
Hmm.. I recall "reply to list" being mentioned, not "reply to all" which is different. I've already deleted David's mail, but is that really what he said? > Of course, depending on your POV, it might be seen as less resource > intensive just to set up a procmail duplicate-killer instead of trying to > educate the entire Internet on proper e-mail technique. Duplicate removal is easy, yes, but if you were to reply to me *and* the list, the mail sent directly to me will usually get to me first and so the one sent to the list will be removed. This means that it will end up in my normal inbox rather than my mailbox for said list, which is slightly annoying. Pete -- Pete Ryland http://pdr.cx/