Roland Mas wrote:
>   It works flawlessly, and it allows me to have my GnuPG private key
> on exactly zero machine, only on this USB key thing (don't worry, I
> also have backups).  I have recently added SSH to the same scheme.
> Protects me from thieves, although not from trojaning.  I assessed the
> risks :-)

I do the same. Additionally, I use the Debian cryptoapi and cryptoloop
kernel modules to encrypt the USB drive. I think the chance of losing
such a portable, small device is significant. With encryption, I feel
better about the possibility.

       Kevin Rosenberg        |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **   | : :' :      The  universal
  GPG signed and encrypted    | `. `'      Operating System
     messages accepted.       |   `-

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