I am waiting in the long line to become a developer at the moment. Since I have no idea how much longer it will take (its already been almost a year) I was wondering if someone would be willing to sponsor one of my packages. Its a new mp3 decoding plugin for xmms based on libmad.
http://xmms-mad.sourceforge.net/ Its a package I wrote myself and is debian native. Its fairly mature (i.e. I've been using it every day for mp3s for more of this year). As well as the sf.net downloads you can get all the sources and my debs from: http://www.superduper.net/downloads/ or: deb http://superduper.net/downloads/debian/ ./ deb-src http://superduper.net/downloads/debian/sources ./ I'm sure there a lots of things wrong with my packaging and, of course, I welcome constructive crit. cheers, sam -- sam clegg :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: http://superduper.net/ :: PGP : D91EE369 :: YIM : samuelbclegg :: freenode : samo :: ICQ : 14962308 :: AIM : samuelbclegg :: MSN : sambclegg $superduper: .signature,v 1.9 2002/10/23 11:20:39 sam Exp $