        I have packaged airfart, a wireless lan sniffer, with a GTK+ interface
(and text based too). The package is lintian clean.
You can get it from:

deb http://ranty.ddts.net/~ghe_rivero/debian ./

Since this is my first package submission ever, I don't know much about
the sponsor process, so any help is appreciated. Regards,

        Ghe Rivero

| ##180421##    Linux User Registred    http://counter.li.org/           |      
| ## 1275 ##    Socio Hispalinux        http://www.hispalinux.es         |      
|       ghe_rivero at ranty.ddts.net                                     | 
|       ghe_rivero at yahoo.es                                           |
|       juangregorio.hernando at hispalinux.es                           | 
|       www.ranty.ddts.net/~ghe_rivero                                   |
| GPG: 1024D/6E6D04E6 0D7E E5AD BBD3 6E2D 42EC  F91D AF80 C2C5 6E6D 04E6 |
|                    http://www.escomposlinux.org/pgp                    |
|       Proudly using Debian SID & Linux kernel 2.4.20 & 2.5.59          |
|                       "Pienso, Luego Incordio"                         |


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