> > > The package is locate at pumuki.hispalinux.es/debian/mcplay/ > Is it packed? cannot find it from packages.debian.org in any of the > debs.
Yes, but not in debian (yet) deb http://lesbos.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~mleeman/debian unstable/ deb-src http://lesbos.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~mleeman/debian unstable/ There is still some work to be done on it (it seems). > Can change it to mcp123 or similar. Dunno what the appropriate procedure would be for these things, but I'm afraid that upstream (in my case) might start wondering why he has to make all the changes for Debian ;) Anyway, honousty obliges me to say that mcplay is not a critical application in the package (it's a tool that, like I said, puts v4l streams on a subnet). Haven't tested it, but from the description I had from upstream (dang, still have to write the manpages), you could have a machine with e.g. a capture card or camera and broadcast the information on the subnet. Anyone running the mc tools (mccatch and mcplay) would be able to play the stream on his/her client. > Will contact upstream devel for suggestions. Any "mentor" suggestions? -- greetz, marc The air conditioning water supply pipe ruptured over the machine room Key fingerprint = 890C E47F 1589 F240 9CC8 C60C 510A 63D3 D356 2DE1 Linux mykene 2.4.19-pre4 #1 Tue Apr 2 22:47:06 CEST 2002 i686 unknown
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