On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 08:33:33AM +0200, Marc Leeman wrote:
> > The package is locate at pumuki.hispalinux.es/debian/mcplay/
> > 
> > mcplay is a c-clone of the popular python frontend for mpg123/ogg123
> > which seems to be as powerfull as the parent package.
> The nvrec software also has a binary called mcplay
> together with mcthrow and mccatch (multicast), it enbles putting video
> streams on a netwerk.

Is it packed? cannot find it from packages.debian.org in any of the

Can change it to mcp123 or similar.

Will contact upstream devel for suggestions.


Jesus Climent | Unix System Admin | Helsinki, Finland.
http://www.HispaLinux.es/~data/  |  data.pandacrew.org
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