Hello again, I have a general question, that I did find a answer for in the debian policy guide (don't falme me if I missed it :(( )
Nicolas gave me the advice to exclude all processor optimisations in the nvrec package, so I added the configure flags --enable-mmxcheck --enable-cpucheck that are set to "no" when I compile the package for the debian archives (hopefully) and set to "yes" if somebody else compiles it (currently, if your login is "marc", you have bad luck, but I'll change this to if your login is "marc" and your hostname is "scorpius" ;) ). This way, I figure, ylu have the best of both worlds (good episode by the way): total independence in debian, and when sourcing yourself, you get a customised binary for your machine. Only one problem. There seems to be an upstream bug (which I conveyed to the upstream developer) that breaks the package when compiling without these optimisations (--enable-mmxcheck=no). Even though I have little doubt that Justin will look into this, my question is more hypothetical: what if this is not-fixable upstream? Is this a "deal breaking condition" for debian compliancy? -- greetz, marc BOFH excuse #18: excess surge protection pgp Key ID: 0xD3562DE1 Key fingerprint = 890C E47F 1589 F240 9CC8 C60C 510A 63D3 D356 2DE1 Linux scorpius 2.4.19-pre4 #1 Tue Apr 2 22:47:06 CEST 2002 i686 unknown
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