> As far as I know, lame is not in Debian, and can't be because of a
> patent... :-(
> So I guess nvrec will at best belong to contrib. Were you aware of this
> issue?

I know that lame and all related mp3 encoders were not in debian because
of this problem, but it completely slipped my mind when packaging this

I made the necessary adjustments and am compiling a new version.
I added a "Suggests=transcode" line and a note is made in README.debian
about the sources.
I intend to fix this, and report it back to the upstream author  when 
my schedule allows this.

I also added "the streaming tools", and I will add usefull manpages (as
opposed to the current unusefull) when I figure out what those are
doing :)

The new packages will be online in 10 minutes or so (gr.bl 128 kbps
upstream from devel machine).

       greetz, marc
BOFH excuse #309:

firewall needs cooling
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Linux scorpius 2.4.19-pre4 #1 Tue Apr 2 22:47:06 CEST 2002 i686 unknown

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