> > I might be missing something, but what is the soname for
> > libgphoto2 ?
> > 
> Sorry I don't understand your question.
> Could you reformulate your question?

libgphoto2 Package would probably contain

/usr/lib/libgphoto.so.2 which is a symlink to 
/usr/lib/libgphoto.so.2.0.0 or something similar

libgphoto2-dev Package would probably contain
/usr/lib/libgphoto.so which is a symlink to 
/usr/lib/libgphoto.so.2, and etc. etc. etc.

The soname is the number "2" in this case
(but I have not looked at libgphoto2 to check)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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