
Would you consider reading 
/usr/share/doc/autotools-dev/README.Debian.gz and then
reading my mail again?

On 03-Nov-2001 Eduard Bloch wrote:

> Is there an autogen.sh script which you have executed? Or something like
> libtoolize -f? It seems like the autoconf system of your package has

Yes, I do run an (modified) autogen.sh script. And that
package did create symlinks.

> been generated, making symlinks to the installed packages. Generaly, it
> is better not to touch the build system of the upstream, unless it is
> really needed. In your case, you may create static copies of the

I don't "touch" it in the sense you are meaning here IMHO. 
I use it.

> a) delete the new symlinks in the clean rule, and do the same thing you
> have allready done in the configure rule. Don't forget to set
> Build-Dependency on required automake/autoconf/libtool tools then.

In fact I do run autogen.sh in the clean rule. Please
read the README.Debian from package autotools-dev I
mentioned above. It explains this issue much better I

> b) Revert your change. Extract the orig tarball somewhere, put your
> debian-stuff in that directory, continue your work.

Not an option as far as I understand this issue 
up to now. Autobuilders have or might have problems
with this.


  Florian Hinzmann                         private: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                            Debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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