Florian Hinzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I thought the autotools might be able to copy files instead of 
> making symlinks.


> No, I am packaging from the official release tar file. These needed
> files are not included in upstream source. 
> Upstream provides an autogen.sh script. The user is supposed
> to run that script and a normal "make;make install" works
> after that.

General convention is to include the automake, autoconf and libtool
generated files, since they are independent of platform (unlike, say
.o files, including them would be pointless). This way users don't
need the autotools installed to build from source.

Usually only "developer" releases/snapshots and checkouts from CVS
itself miss these generated files. That's because implementing new
features often includes rebuilding these files, and of course having
generated files in CVS is somewhat pointless.

Your upstream team obviously differ in their views, but perhaps you
can help them see the light?


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