Could I get advice on whether this is a suitable package?

The programs are written in the interpreted language rexx.  Three
are to query search engines -- Debian, Geocrawler, Dejanews.  They
run from the command line and show the hits in Lynx, sorted by
date.  The other is nodeps which shows package dependencies.

Usage: searchdeb [-l list1 [list2]..] -p pattern
   searchdeb -l all -a -p 'sound modules;oss'
   searchdeb -l policy -o on -p 'burned; out'

Usage: searchgeo [-l list1 [list2]..] -p pattern
   searchgeo -l all -p 'autoconf automake libtool'
   searchgeo -l devel -p '"General Resolution"'  :)

   searchdeja -d all|new|old -l eng|all -n nospam -p 'this & (that | other)'
   searchdeja -p 'perl & (smtm | "show me the money")'
   searchdeja -d new -l eng -n nospam -p 'debian & non-free & resolution'

Usage: nodeps [-rs] [-q] [-p pkg] [-f [alternate_package_file]]
  nodeps -rsq    - show packages that no others depend on/recommend/suggest
  nodeps -rs     - ditto, but with package descriptions
  nodeps -rsp perl  - show all installed packages that depend on perl
  nodeps -rsp xlib6 -f /var/lib/dpkg/available
                 - show all packages in available that depend on xlib6
  cat /var/state/apt/lists/*Packages |nodeps -rsp xlib6 -f
                 - ditto using all Packages files

I started nodeps because I was having trouble with pkg-nodep (in
pkg-order.deb).  It was mostly done when the ITP for deborphan
was posted last week so I finished it.  It's interesting to
compare the three languages.

My questions,

 - worthy package?

 - OK to bundle these?  The common thread is they are all rexx
   and most are to do with Debian.

 - rexxscripts for the name?  Currently the only thing in the
   archive is something I wrote and a sponsor uploaded for me
   but I'm hoping that will change.  If it does, this probably
   isn't a very good name.

The tarball is at
The search programs require rxsock from woody/devel.  They aren't
fully debugged yet.  No docs but -h or --help gives more complete
usage info.


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