On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 12:41:14PM +0200, E.L. Willighagen wrote:
> Hi all! I have a couple of questions dealing with packaging software. I've 
> read
> and applied the Manuals, but still have some problems:
> 1. a mkdir-ed a new directory named debianize/ in which i unpacked a 
> distribution
>    So i have a directory /debianize/software-version/
>    However the source code of the package is on level below:
>    /debianize/software-version/src  and so is the Makefile
>    A made a copy of src to jmol-0.6.1/ and did deb_make in that directory
>    Is that right?
You moved/renamed the src directory? No need to do that. When all your files
are in /debianize, unpack the source and rename it jmol-0.6.1, cd there and
dh_make. The source can stay in the src subdir, just change the make command
in debian/rules to 
        # Add here commands to compile the package.
        cd src ; $MAKE options
> 2. Problem two: my software actually needs Jdk1.2 so it wouldn't compile... 
> that is
>    i couldn't find a JDK1.2 debian package at the Debian server... is Jdk1.2
>    actually compiled or ... ???
Hmm, that would be non-free? Not a JDK expert...
>    I circumvented this by just making a Makefile in 
> /debianize/software-version/
>    that would not compile the software, but would just install it (a compiled
>    jar file was also in the distro...)
I dont think you have to make a Makefile for that, debian/rules is a
makefile, just do it there. But is your package still portable if the jar is
not "compiled"? "Good" packages ar buildable on all debian suppored arches
(ppc, alpha, sparc, m68k and a few others). Ok, m68k might have a problem
with JDK, dont know about the others...
> 3. I installed the jars files /usr/share/java and a script that runs the 
> program
>    in /usr/X11R6/bin. is that correct?
dunno, maintainer manual?
> 4. Just after making the deb file (which looks oke, installed it without any 
> problem),
>    it gives the following error:
>   dpkg-deb: building package `jmol' in `../jmol_0.6.1-1_i386.deb'.
> /usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage: jmol_0.6.1-1.dsc: command not found
huh... which command is not found, dpkg-buildpackage? I build src+bin
packages allways with dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo, maybe you dont have gpg/pgp
installed? Or md5sums?
>    This file is located on directory higher, so i made a symbolic link:
>    ln -s ../software-version.dsc .
>    But that doesn't seem to be oke...
No :-)
After dpkg-buildpackage is finished, you should have a deb, dsc, diff and
orig.tar.gz one directory up of the unpackaged src dir. 
Why dont you donwload another debian src package (hello?) and try to build
it, you will see then how things should work. Its really fairly easy with


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