Hi all! I have a couple of questions dealing with packaging software. I've read
and applied the Manuals, but still have some problems:

1. a mkdir-ed a new directory named debianize/ in which i unpacked a 
   So i have a directory /debianize/software-version/

   However the source code of the package is on level below:
   /debianize/software-version/src  and so is the Makefile

   A made a copy of src to jmol-0.6.1/ and did deb_make in that directory

   Is that right?

2. Problem two: my software actually needs Jdk1.2 so it wouldn't compile... 
that is
   i couldn't find a JDK1.2 debian package at the Debian server... is Jdk1.2
   actually compiled or ... ???

   I circumvented this by just making a Makefile in /debianize/software-version/
   that would not compile the software, but would just install it (a compiled
   jar file was also in the distro...)

3. I installed the jars files /usr/share/java and a script that runs the program
   in /usr/X11R6/bin. is that correct?

4. Just after making the deb file (which looks oke, installed it without any 
   it gives the following error:

  dpkg-deb: building package `jmol' in `../jmol_0.6.1-1_i386.deb'.
/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage: jmol_0.6.1-1.dsc: command not found

   This file is located on directory higher, so i made a symbolic link:

   ln -s ../software-version.dsc .

   But that doesn't seem to be oke...

5. And that is where the story ends...

Conclusion: i have a working deb file, but with some problems...

i really appreciate some mentors' help

yours sincerely,

Egon Willighagen

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