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Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 07:53:03 +0930 (CST)
From: Dean Rushing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: One on One with a Mentor, please

On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:

> Rasta wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  I would like to speak to a mentor about becoming a developer. I have read
> > the Debian Social Contract, developers-reference and packaging.
> > 
> > I just want to be sure I can become confident and capable and understand
> > the full scope of this undertaking. I don't want to let anyone down,
> > including myself.
> It'll be easer to come up with detailed questions.
> What are you going to do anyway?

Well I want to give something back for the great learning experience I've
I just had a breakin, so I'm not quite as happy as I should be, sorry.

Well, I was hoping that I could adopt a package,, I'm now trying to find
the source for phosphorous,, it is a memory sharing system that
compliments PVM (parrallel virtual machine) I'm going to string together
people's discarded machines.

I know a small bit about C coding,, I'm pretty good with hardware now,
I've built machines, repaired them, and my last build from scratch was a
dual pentium system..

With this type of background, should I do ok at adopting a simple
package,, or go nuts on something like phosphorous? 
I am not allowed to work in Australia for another 18 months, so I have
some time,

This breakin does bug me though.. 
I've just got done upgrading to 2.0 about 2 weeks ago. I had Apache from
bo get hacked, so I upgraded,, and read a bunch on security, but ???

Thanks alot for your interest,,


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