On Fri, Jun 12, 1998 at 02:54:39PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 12, 1998 at 10:00:59AM -0400, tmancill wrote:
> > I've RTFM and don't really find reference to what happens after a package
> > upload and the announcement email.  Partly, I'm just interested in what
> > happens, but I'd also like to know about the process of getting a package
> > into stable.  (The 2 packages I've adopted were both in "unstable".)
> Well once you upload the package (assuming it is going into unstable) AFAIK
> it sits in incoming until it gets moved into unstable and becomes part of
> debain unstable (that is of course unless something causes it not to be 
> accpted but generally for unstable that shouldn't be a problem)
> As for stable...you can upload into stable instead of unstable. If you do this
> it will sit in incomming until it gets rejected...which never gets it 
> actually 
> into stable.
> AFAIK the ONLY time you can upload into stable and have it go in is if it
> is basically a crittical fix (ie it closes a security hole)
> The proper way to get your packages into "Stable" is to upload into unstable.
> Work on them..upload.. then evenrtually Stable becomes frozen...then your 
> packages are in frozen instead of unstable. Then wait as little while longer 
> and (barring major problems that have to be fixed) frozen eventually becomes 
> "stable" 
> And through this progression your packages go into stable :)
> of course this is all just how I understand it.
> so to sumerise my understanding:
> 1) all NEW packages AND new versions, fixes, etc of packages go into unstable 
> by default.

As far as I know, you have to specify which distribution the package should
go into in the changes file, and there is no default.

> 2) ONLY security fixes and other MAJOR fixes (ie fixing bugs that may cause 
> major filesystem corruption etc) go into stable

There is also a directory called bo-unstable on the ftp site.  I forgot
how to upload into that, but it is for fixed packages that are not important
enough to go into bo itself.

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