On Fri, Jun 12, 1998 at 10:00:59AM -0400, tmancill wrote: > I've RTFM and don't really find reference to what happens after a package > upload and the announcement email. Partly, I'm just interested in what > happens, but I'd also like to know about the process of getting a package > into stable. (The 2 packages I've adopted were both in "unstable".)
Well once you upload the package (assuming it is going into unstable) AFAIK it sits in incoming until it gets moved into unstable and becomes part of debain unstable (that is of course unless something causes it not to be accpted but generally for unstable that shouldn't be a problem) As for stable...you can upload into stable instead of unstable. If you do this it will sit in incomming until it gets rejected...which never gets it actually into stable. AFAIK the ONLY time you can upload into stable and have it go in is if it is basically a crittical fix (ie it closes a security hole) The proper way to get your packages into "Stable" is to upload into unstable. Work on them..upload.. then evenrtually Stable becomes frozen...then your packages are in frozen instead of unstable. Then wait as little while longer and (barring major problems that have to be fixed) frozen eventually becomes "stable" And through this progression your packages go into stable :) of course this is all just how I understand it. so to sumerise my understanding: 1) all NEW packages AND new versions, fixes, etc of packages go into unstable by default. 2) ONLY security fixes and other MAJOR fixes (ie fixing bugs that may cause major filesystem corruption etc) go into stable 3) Going into frozen is similar to stable but less strict, it is allowed to fix less major bugs...but still no new versions or new packages as for specifics of "what goes on" thats about all the detail I have does that make sense? did I miss the question entirely? -Steve -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]