On 23-Jun-2005, Bas Wijnen wrote:
> However, I just noticed that pov-ray has a non-free license. I think
> this gives me several options:
> - move the package to contrib because of a non-free build dependancy

Valid, and the simplest course to take. Least desirable outcome.

> - provide new artwork which does not need pov-ray or any other
> non-free compiler

The simplest solution that results in a free package.

How good is (free) Blender at reading POV-Ray files? How easily are
they converted to something Blender can read? How good are other
rendering programs at this task?

> - change the code so the artwork is loaded at run-time instead of
> build-time, create a new package with free artwork, and depend on
> that or the original artwork (which goes in contrib).

The most work, and only worth it if the option of recreating the
artwork source is infeasible.

 \         "I went to the museum where they had all the heads and arms |
  `\   from the statues that are in all the other museums."  -- Steven |
_o__)                                                           Wright |

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