Ben Finney wrote:
> On 23-Jun-2005, Bas Wijnen wrote:
>>- provide new artwork which does not need pov-ray or any other
>>non-free compiler
> The simplest solution that results in a free package.
> How good is (free) Blender at reading POV-Ray files? How easily are
> they converted to something Blender can read? How good are other
> rendering programs at this task?

Looking at the POV-ray documentation, there is probably no program
(other than POV-ray itself) which can parse the files, because it's
really a (quite complex) scripting language.  I also couldn't find
anything with google, only programs which could export to it.

However, what happens if I would use the current images as a starting
point for new graphics (created with the Gimp)?  Would that make the
current images the new "source"?  What if my modifications are small, or
nonexistant?  The resulting package would be exactly as it is now, but
could it go into main?  It doesn't seem right if it can...

>>- change the code so the artwork is loaded at run-time instead of
>>build-time, create a new package with free artwork, and depend on
>>that or the original artwork (which goes in contrib).
> The most work, and only worth it if the option of recreating the
> artwork source is infeasible.
(I suppose)

In both this case and the above, I need to create new artwork.  So
that's what I would start with.  Probably, it's also what I'd end with,
because I don't really think changing the source is worth it, and I'm
not looking forward to maintaining a package not in main.  It would mean
I need non-free things on my computer and I'd prefer to avoid that.


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