On dv, 2004-07-23 at 10:43, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> Good Morning!
> * MiguelGea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040721 22:45]:
> > * License   : Freeware, It allows modify it and use without                  
> > restriction and without cost.
> IANADD, so I can't sponsor you, but have one remark:
> I think neither you nor upstream should use the word »freeware« if you
> mean »You may use, modify and redistribute this software as you wish.«,
> which is the copyright statement in fpdf.php.
> At least here in germany (and I think in other countries, too)
> »freeware« is normaly meant as »you may us it for free, distribute it if
> you wish, but are not allowed to modify it«.
Before packaging fpdf I talked with the author about this, and he told
me to read FAQ#1:

1. What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?
FPDF is Freeware (it is stated at the beginning of the source file).
There is no usage restriction. You may embed it freely in your
application (commercial or not), with or without modification. You may
redistribute it, too. 

> And since I drank a second coffe before sending this mail, I wonder, why
> your orig.tar.gz contains an fpdf-1.52 direcory, which seems to be an
> old working directory.

ups! Its a mistake!


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