Dear Mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor form the package fpdf-1.52

* Package name  : fpdf-1.52
* Version       : 1.52
* License       : Freeware, It allows modify it and use without                  
restriction and without cost.
* URL           :
   Original site:
* Description   : PHP Based PDF Writer
 fpdf is a library to use with PHP, writed only with PHP, able to
 generate PDF documents in a few minutes. It works in PHP4 and PHP5.
 Is able to:
 - Manage Headers and footers
 - Justify text
 - JPG & PNG
 - Color
 - Add links
 - Support TrueType & Type 1
 - Compression

I have talk with the author and he agree with packaging it for debian.

fpdf is included with ldap-account-manager package, phpmyadmin, and with
a package I'm working tutoriaphp than I will package in future.

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