On Mon, 2025-03-24 at 17:35 +0100, itd wrote:
> Control: tags -1 - moreinfo
> Hi,
> Phil Wyett <philip.wy...@kathenas.org> writes:
> > Preamble
> as always, thanks for having a look and the feedback!
> > 'README.rst' uses a HTTP link to screen shot. Could this be a local image?
> Not sure the image provides sufficient information to include it in the
> package.  It might make sense to submit this image, a screenshot, to
> screenshots.debian.net after the package reaches the archive.
> I'll try to keep this in mind.
> Other changes:
> - patch added to rework the error message if notmuch configuration is
>   missing
> - patch added to switch from python3-notmuch to python3-notmuch2
> - Standards-Version (and d/changelog date) bumped
> Regards
> itd

Yes, screenshots.debian.net is certainly an idea to be considered.




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