On Thu, 2025-02-13 at 09:24 -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
> On 13/02/2025 01:57, Phil Wyett wrote:
> > Test 1: Pass
> > Test 2: Pass
> > Test 3: Pass
> > Test 4: Pass
> > Test 5: Pass
> > Test 6: Pass
> > Test 7: Fail
> A short description of what is each test would be helpful, IMHO.

Hi Eduardo,

I have added the small descriptions kindly suggested by Julien Plissonneau
Duquène. This can be seen in the example report at the link below.


The link is with each review and will eventually contain expanded information
about tests and will link to appropriate pages also within Debian.

This is an attempt at a reducing the email data dump and move some information
to the wiki and maybe give better quality information overall.





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