
On Sat, Nov 09, 2024 at 09:14:48PM +0100, Daniel Gröber wrote:
> Development documentation nit: I would add a note to d/control on when
> Package: httpfs2 can be removed (trixie+1 I suppose) and that a Provides:
> httpfs2 should(?) be added to libcurlfs when that happens.
Already had this in my calendar
  $ cat ~/.ratrun/Remove\ bin\:httpfs2\ from\ sid\=forky
but added note to d/control, which seems best if I pass before then.

> Sponsorship process with gbp: when gbp is involved the convention is for
> sponsorees to leave UNRELEASED in d/changelog though that's more important
> with teams to make sure it's clear to all DDs whether an upload happend yet
> or not.
I usually upload to mentors.d.o so this is obviously a little different,
and (last time I checked) wasn't really outlined there.

> On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 08:12:44PM +0200, наб wrote:
> > > The only nit I have is we may want to add a ~ at the end of the
> > > replaces+breaks constraints.
> > > See https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2024/10/msg00094.html for a
> > > similar discussionbut it's probably not critical in this case.
> > Hm. As I read it, the ~ is only really meaningful with a Debian version
> Right, this shouldn't be in your upstream version. I don't think it's
> likeley it will matter either way in our case, just trying to keep to best
> practices where possible.
Agree; likewise.

> > This indicates to me that this should be "httpfs2 (<< 1-1~)",
> > since this package supersedes all httpfs2es older than 1,
> > even if someone has a newer "real" httpfs2 installed locally.
> Yeah thats what I was thinking.
> [...] 
> So I'm still torn on which of 0.1.4-2~ and 1-1~ is technically better, but
> I'm pretty sure either will be fine in this case :)
I'd say 1-1~ because it's the version we define and have control over,
whereas 0.1.4-2~ is based on some archive state somewhere at some point.
But for our case it's a wash.

> > > > This also means we need to start this package at epoch 1
> > > > (since 0-1 < 0.1.4-1.1+b1, and we want a httpfs2 that sorts newer).
> > > Since you control the upstream version number I would prefer it if you
> > > simply bumped it to be larger than httpfs2's instead of using an epoch
> > > here.
> > Sure, I can justify this as "this is httpfs2 1, too".
> I am a bit worried we may be subverting policy here since a new httpfs2
> upstream release and subsequent re-introduction would now have to employ an
> epoch to override our transition package, but given that httpfs2 has been
> removed I reckon it's version namespace is up for grabs.
We'd only be hijacking if bin:httpfs2 were still in sid, as you say;
it isn't, so AFAICT this is perfectly-well-sanctioned,
and a replacement like this is quite common
(well, in the decroded-ass salvage packages I usually deal with, anyway).

In the umview removal (#1085454 #1085456 &c.),
we've replaced src:fuse-umfuse-iso9660's fuseiso9660 with src:fuseiso's fuseiso
(and fuseiso9660 transitional Depends: fuseiso) in #1085688,
pretty much exactly like src:httpfs2/src:libcurlfs.

Actually this /was/ a binary package hijack (0.3-2 -> 20070708-6),
because the RMs are yet to clear. Victimless crime.
The same thing is planned/staged for src:fuse-umfuse-ext2/src:e2fsprogs.

What I could've done instead for this is salvage src:httpfs2 and keep the name,
but replace the guts with libcurlfs. Same difference, realistically?
(This is what happened with src:fuse-umfuse-fat in #1085458,
 and half of my DDPO.)

If someone wants to reintroduce src:httpfs2 (somehow & god forbid),
and have it make bin:httpfs2, it'd need to be version >1 or epoch >0, yeah.
But that's their version to bumpo and epoch to justify.

Thanks for all your help,

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