On Tue, 2024-10-15 at 20:57 +1100, John Zaitseff wrote:
> Control: tags -1 - moreinfo
> Dear Phil,
> > There has been no progress with this RFS since March of 2024.  Can
> > you offer more information on the progress of this package update?
> Thank you for reminding me of this.  No progress had been made for
> deeply personal reasons: my beloved father had been seriously ill
> with leukaemia for quite a few months, and he finally passed away at
> the end of July.  What with grieving for our loss, and managing his
> estate as executor, I haven't had much opportunity to deal with this
> RFS.  Very sorry about that.
> > When answering or if you do a new upload to Debian Mentors, could
> > you remove the 'moreinfo' tag off this RFS please.
> Although I'm still fairly busy with being executor, I see my way to
> being able to make a new release of Star Traders in the next two or
> three months -- sooner, if I can convince my Ukrainian friend to
> revise that translation!
> If I make a new upstream release (v7.21), should I simply rename
> this bug appropriately, or should I close it and open a new one with
> a reference to this bug?
> Yours truly,
> John Zaitseff


May I offer my condolences for your loss. My partner Janine and I had similar
circumstances with the illness and passing of Janine's father Alan four years

Take your time, more important things in life come first. I hope in the
future you will want to work on the excellent Star Traders and contribute it
to Debian and its users.




"I play the game for the game’s own sake"

Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans


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