On Thu, 2024-09-19 at 16:51 +0100, Phil Wyett wrote:
> Control: tags -1 +moreinfo
> Philippe,
> Preamble...
> Thank you for taking the time to prepare this package and your contribution
> to the Debian project.
> The review below is for assistance. This review is offered to help package
> submitters to Debian mentors inorder to improve their packages prior to
> possible sponsorship into Debian. There is no obligation on behalf of the
> submitter to make any alterations based upon information provided in the
> review.
> Review...
> 1. Build:
>   * pbuilder [1]: Good
>   * sbuild [2]: Good
> 2. Lintian [3]: Issue
> The override rule in 'glslc.lintian-overrides' has invalid data, see data at
> link below.
> https://mentors.debian.net/package/shaderc/
> 3. Licenses [4]: Good
> 4. Watch file [uscan --force-download]: Good
> 5. Build Twice [sudo pbuilder build --twice <package>.dsc]: Good
> 6. Reproducible builds [5]: Good
> 7. Install [No previous installs]: Good
> 8. Upgrade [Over previous installs if any]: Good
> Summary...
> I believe shaderc is ready for review/possible sponsorship. Could a Debian
> Developer (DD) with available free time, please review this package and
> upload if you feel it is ready.

Apologies. Package is in good shape, it is just the lintian issue that needs
to be resolved and the summary should have reflected that.

> Regards
> Phil
> [1] pbuilder:
>   * Command: sudo pbuilder build <PACKAGE>.dsc
>   * Document: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto.
>   * Document: https://wiki.debian.org/PbuilderTricks
> [2] sbuild:
>   * Command: sbuild <PACKAGE>.dsc
>   * Document: https://wiki.kathenas.org/pmwiki.php/Kathenas/Article00000002
>   * Document: https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild
> [3] lintian:
>   * Command: lintian -v -i -I -E --pedantic --profile debian (*.dsc,
> *.changes, *.buildinfo). Each can throw up different results, so be thorough.
>   * Document: https://wiki.debian.org/Lintian
> [4] lrc:
>   * Command: lrc
>   * Document: https://wiki.debian.org/CopyrightReviewTools#licenserecon
> [5] reprotest
>   * Command: sudo reprotest --vary=-build_path,domain_host.use_sudo=1 --auto-
> build <PACKAGE>.dsc -- schroot unstable-amd64-sbuild
>   * Document: https://wiki.kathenas.org/pmwiki.php/Kathenas/Article00000004
>   * Document: https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/
>   * Document: https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/Howto#Newer_method


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