On Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 02:08:44AM +0100, Phil Wyett wrote:
> Control: tags -1 +moreinfo
> Thomas,
> Many thanks for addressing some of the issues raised.
> 'd/copyright'. Please add a 'Files: debian/*' section that will inform of
> changes related to persons who have made contribution to the debian packaging
> related files and directories. Some Debian Developers (DDs) will be hesitant
> to sponsor a package without this section being included. For me it is good
> for completeness and clarity.

So far there are no signifant changes therein (none as much as 10 lines).
For the debian directory, I see this:

Author               Files  Commits  Inserts  Deletes
Bastian Germann          1        1        2        2
Debian Janitor           3        2        9        1
Thomas E. Dickey        18       42      489      172
TOTAL                   18       45      500      175

where that "9" includes 6 lines inserted into the changelog file.

I'll add an explicit debian/* pattern, to remind developers to update the
copyright file if there are relevant changes in the future.

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>

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