Control: tags -1 - moreinfo

Hello, the only reason is getting the main part (the library itself) in, and
then evolving the packaging. But if you think it is better to have it all at
once I'll definitely look into it. It is going to take a while though, but I
guess there is no rush.

As for the copyright, all of the library and documentation have the same
copyright and licensing terms, so I don't expect changes, but I will of
course review it too.

Thanks a lot, I'll get back.


On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 2:09 PM Phil Wyett <> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 +moreinfo
> Julio,
> Is there any particular reasons why the 'examples' are not being installed
> into say a 'libsaf-dev-examples' and the image converter tool into a package
> named say 'libsaf-dev-tools'?
> 'debian/copyright' would need to be reviewed and possibly updated if chnages
> were made.
> Regards
> Phil
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