
On Tuesday, August 13, 2024 3:29:44 PM MST Alexis Murzeau wrote:
> Hi,
> On 21/07/2024 09:05, Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
> > A bit OT, but are you a debian maintainer?
> > 
> > If you become one you could upload streamlink without asking for a mentor
> > every time.
> > 
> No, I'm not a Debian Maintainer.
> I saw in the past that the process requires a signature of the GPG key 
> with in-person meeting which a bit discouraged me (compared to easy RFS 
> mails).

In the past that was the case.  However, there is now an official key 
endorsement system, which allows people who have worked with you on packages 
in the past to endorse your key based on their interactions with you without 
the need to meet in person or ascertain that you have documentation proving 
you are the person you claim to be.

The difference:

A key signature indicates that you have determined (through meeting in person 
and reviewing government documentation or any other step that is satisfactory 
to you) that the person is who they say they are.  A key signature says 
nothing about how much a person knows or how good they are at packaging 

A key endorsement says that the owner of the key is good at packaging 
applications or other work in Debian based on interactions online with things 
that key has signed.  It says nothing about who that person is or if they 
really have the name listed on the key.

Basically, in terms of the application process, key endorsements are a lot 
more like advocate statements, except they apply specifically to your key and 
can replace the needs for key signatures.

There isn’t a hard and fast rule, but generally two or three key endorsements 
is equal to one key signature for the purpose of becoming a Debian Maintainer 
(needs one key signature) or a Debian Developer (needs two key signatures).  
So, if you have worked with two or three DD who can endorse your key based on 
the history of your interactions, you can apply to become a DM.

Soren Stoutner

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