
On 21/07/2024 09:05, Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
A bit OT, but are you a debian maintainer?

If you become one you could upload streamlink without asking for a mentor
every time.

No, I'm not a Debian Maintainer.

I saw in the past that the process requires a signature of the GPG key with in-person meeting which a bit discouraged me (compared to easy RFS mails).

But maybe I'd rather should do that indeed, to reduce the mentoring activity needed.

Alexis Murzeau
PGP: B7E6 0EBB 9293 7B06 BDBC  2787 E7BD 1904 F480 937F                |

Attachment: OpenPGP_0xE7BD1904F480937F.asc
Description: OpenPGP public key

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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