Hi list,
On 13/08/2024 16:00, Matthew Fernandez wrote:
On 8/13/24 04:34, Daniel Gröber wrote:
On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 11:37:24PM +1000, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
IMHO GBP approach is counter-productive, with needlessly complicated
workflow, redundant upstream branch(es) and incredibly inconvenient
of debian packaging and upstream files in "master".
I haven’t followed the gbp discussion closely, but as a package
maintainer who does not know Debian thoroughly I found all documented
workflows except gbp near incomprehensible. This is not to say they are
poorly founded or documented, but rather that they did not fit my
intuitions. gbp on the other hand seemed to “just work”. The criticisms
on the wiki seem to assume you’re importing a tarball, whereas I was
starting from an upstream already in git (I am also the upstream
maintainer). The ease of gbp to people like me is that we already know
git well, but do not know Debian well.
I'm also sort of newbie as a maintainer, and it's not my main focus
which is in upstream. But I basically agree, I find gbp perfectly useful.
Another aspect when coming from outside is that gbp being so much used
makes things easier to understand. You need some really big benefits
with another workflow to motivate even more fragmentation of how to package.
Can you see these big benefits?