On Sunday, 11 August 2024 8:51:06 PM AEST Daniel Gröber wrote:
> What remains to discuss is how you want to handle the git repo. Personally
> I still haven't found a git packaging workflow I'm really happy with

I use something like the following that does not depend on git, GBP, etc.:


It works well for NMUs, even without access to package repository at all,
and IMHO it is a relief when one does not need to bother with
"gbp import-orig" or other methods of committing upstream sources.
(By the way GBP workflow is a huge impediment for large packages, MUT
packages, as well as packages with many vendored/bundled libraries which
is typical for Golang software.)

> so I
> have a hard time recommending something. gbp is the most popular but I find
> it lacking in a number of technical aspects. dgit is nice but complex,
> still a bit niche and also not technically perfect in my eyes.

IMHO GBP approach is counter-productive, with needlessly complicated
workflow, redundant upstream branch(es) and incredibly inconvenient merge
of debian packaging and upstream files in "master".

Here is some criticism:


> Perhaps it would be best to just stick with the current debian/-only repo
> layout since blktrace doesn't seem to get many releases anyway?

Yes, absolutely. 

> If we document the magic incantation to unpack a new upstream release
> in d/README.source it's not so bad really.

There is not much to document, as "origtargz" is all that one needs.
And arguably that should be a common knowledge among Debian maintainers.

(Alternatively just extract tarball, copy/add "debian" folder and build.)

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/52B6BBD953968D1B


If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.
 -- Anonymous, "Analects"

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