Soren Stoutner <> writes:

>> > E: fennel source: source-ships-excluded-file [debian/copyright:5]
>> > 
>> > mk-origtargz(1) is typically responsible for removing such files.
>> > Support in git-buildpackage is being tracked in Bug#812721.
>> Yeah, it sounds like gbp doesn't do this yet unfortunately.
>> I will see if I can get gbp to pull from a branch where this deletion
>> has already been committed manually in git instead of relying on it to
>> filter out the pristine-tarball.
> It should handle it (it does for the electrum package).  Are you running `gbp 
> import-orig --uscan`?

No, I'm using gbp pull as per

>> Looks like this is a bug in pandoc; I've added a workaround upstream:
> f83dd129a3100d53f5e3545ca45da14ba
>> 340a6d7
>> I will ignore this in the debian packaging for now since it's just a
>> warning and it will be fixed in the next release, if that's OK.
> The FTP masters might or might not let this through (they often don’t like 
> lintian errors or warnings, but they let some lintian info tags slide, and 
> pedantic and experimental tags are generally left up to your
> discretion).

Well, the new upstream release should happen in just a few weeks; given
how things have gone with packaging so far I think it's pretty unlikely
that things will make it that far before we're on to packaging 1.5.1
which has the fix.

>> This appears to be an issue where `dh_auto_clean` fails to recognize the
>> fact that my Makefile has a "clean" target that it needs to run. I can
>> work around this by adding this to debian/rules:
>>   execute_after_dh_clean: ; $(MAKE) clean
>> But if there's a better solution I'm all ears. =)
> The man file for dh_clean says:
> 'It does not run "make clean" to clean up after the build process. Use 
> dh_auto_clean(1) to do things like that.’

Yes, I'm already using dh_auto_clean; it's being invoked by pbuilder, but
it has no effect either when run from pbuilder or when invoked by
hand. On IRC someone speculated that its heuristics were getting
confused by my Makefile; I don't know if this is accurate but it seems
to not be doing what it's supposed to do.


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