Control: tags -1 -moreinfo

On 2024-07-26 Tobias Frost <> wrote:
> (Review based on the upload  2024-07-21 18:39)
> - There are empty files: d/libmobi0.(install,docs,symbols)
>   --> drop them
> - The patches could have dep3 information whether you have applied them
>   upstream as well.
> - There are changes that are not documented in d/changelog, like (not 
> exhaustive)
>   - bump of SV to 4.7.0 (did you have to do any changes because of it?) and
>   - update of d/copyright years (d/copyright should reflect the data in the
>     source file "verbatim" - you update the copyright years in d/copyright
>     2024, but did not change the year in your source code. That violates the
>     "verbatim". So either bump the year in your source code too, or record 
> the years as they are in
>     the source
> - usually d/changelog's purpose is to document the changes to the Debian
>   *packaging*, not to document upstream changes. See Policy 4.6. (You've got
>   your upstream changelog, that is where your upstream changes shoudl got to.

Tobias, Andreas,

Thanks for your explanations. I understand it better now.
I modified the changelog to reflect the changes in debian.
I also included Tobias’s suggestions.
New package is uploaded to mentors.


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