Morning Manuel and Soren,

Many thanks, but it is your skill and endeavour has got you as far as you
have. A little support along the way is often a help and we all need that

What people may not know is that how keen a submitter is and how timely their
responses, are things I look at when looking at submissions to mentors. It is
an indicator of how future maintenance of a package may go.



On Fri, 2024-07-26 at 21:53 -0400, Manuel Guerra wrote:
> Hi Phil and Soren
> Thanks for your kind words Soren, but I'm afraid that without Phil's
> support I wouldn't have been able to get to this point
>  In this last upload I've added the link to the packaging files to my
> control file
> > I am not able to find the repository of your packaging code.
> > 
> Done
> > I have noted the emails going back and forth on this package.  You’ve put
> > forth a lot of effort and kept going even when there were roadblocks. 
> > Some
> > people give up on a package if it isn’t easy at first, so I feel like
> > that
> > level of dedication deserves sponsorship.  I will take a look at the
> > package
> > shortly.
> Manuel

"I play the game for the game’s own sake"

Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans


Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas



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