> A few to look at and verify.
> AGPL-3+         | BSL-1.0          openvpn3-core/deps/vcpkg-
> ports/asio/vcpkg.json
> AGPL-3+         | GPL-3            openvpn3-
> core/openvpn/asio/asioresolverres.hpp
> AGPL-3+         | Unicode-DFS-2015 openvpn3-core/openvpn/common/unicode-
> impl.hpp
> AGPL-3+         | GPL-3            openvpn3-
> core/openvpn/crypto/tls_crypt_v2.hpp
> AGPL-3+         | GPL-3            openvpn3-core/openvpn/mbedtls/util/pem.hpp
> AGPL-3+         | APSL-2.0 and/or BSD-4-Clause-UC openvpn3-
> core/openvpn/netconf/ios/net-route.h
> AGPL-3+         | GPL-3            openvpn3-core/openvpn/openssl/util/pem.hpp

To be honest, I'm at an end with the licences and about ready to throw
in the towel, every time there is a review, there is a vague remark
that there is an issue with the licences and to be honest, I have no
clue what the real problem is. What is wrong. The dual licences, the
'conflicts' some ppl point me to?

A lot of work has been put in the licences already and I am not
certain that the automated tools can pick out the issues and solutions
and every time someone reviews, there is a new remark on the licences.

What frustrates me about this is that, if you ask feedback from 2
people, you get 3 different answers.

> 4. Watch file (uscan --force-download):

There is no indexable location to download the sources (something I
passed along to upstream and they might consider for subsequent
release) and even then, this is a dfsg package; I can't use it without
repackaging at least part of the code.

> Additional...
> A. Please update 'Standards-Version' in 'debian/control' to 4.7.0 as per
> Debian policy[5].

That is not really a problem.

g. Marc

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