On Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 03:22:35PM +0200, Daniel Gröber wrote:
> > > It's complicated^{TM}. The sponsorship docs don't actually guide people on
> > > how to get others interested in their work
> > 
> > I don't think this is necessary or helpful: most RFSes are sponsored
> > because they are in a good shape and somebody decided to sponsor them, not
> > because a sponsor is actually interested in that software.
> > https://mentors.debian.net/sponsors/ makes sense to me: you either find a
> > relevant team or wait until people that sponsor random packages sponsor
> > yours. Knowing what does the package actually do is mostly useful to skip
> > ones that don't deserve sponsoring.
> Andrey, when was the last time you requested sponsorship on a package with
> an identity that's not yet well established in the project?  Perhaps you
> should try it next time you want to have something in Debian and see what
> happens.

Sorry? I know that we have a problem with not having enough sponsors and
that many RFSes, especially for new packages, are open for months, I'm
just saying that providing more info about a package won't help solve it.


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