Hi Manuel,

On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 08:23:14PM -0300, Manuel Guerra wrote:
> I completely understand what you are saying about the program not being
> very useful for Debian, it has few functions but I hope to expand it later.

I'd recommend incubating your idea in the wider FLOSS community (which I
admit can be hard to get a foot into).

Distributions are only really interested in programs once they've reached a
level of usefulnes you can usually only get to by either having lots of
experience already or getting feedback from others.

However Debian unstable is not the right place to gather this early stage
feedback for something like this. You can try IRC or other Debian community
spaces https://wiki.debian.org/Community, but I'm not sure we have anything
that's quite right for you. Hmm.

> Regarding the tarball and the binary included in the package, I will solve
> it as soon as possible. This error is because I am new to the world of free
> software and it took me a long time to get to this point since I have done
> everything self-taught, breaking my brain reading forums on the web.

Admirable :)

You should try to find a community space where people at a comparable (but
maybe slightly higher) skill level as you hang out. I'm afraid I'm not much
help with specifics here.


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