I managed to get the font build with fontforge locally, without having
latin (OpenSans) font. I pushed the code to Salsa and put the new build
on mentors:
در پنجشنبه, سپتامبر 28 2023 at ۱۱:۲۰:۱۴
+02:00:00, Bastian Germann <b...@debian.org> نوشته بود:
Am 25.09.23 um 01:59 schrieb Danial Behzadi:
However I made a patch for the issue and pushed the code to Salsa.
Please do not add to the changelog until the font is uploaded.
The copyright file is missing the Apache 2 license because it is a
derivative work of OpenSans.
Please add OpenSans copyright info, use "OFL-1.1 and Apache-2.0" for
the license reference, and add:
License: Apache-2.0
On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache License Version
can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'.
Also, the font's Copyright data says: "Based on DejaVu font."
That font is based on Bitstream Vera, whose copyright and license
info must also be added.
You should investigate how to call fontforge to build the ttf files.
If you need OpenSans to build the ttf then please add it as a
secondary tarball (uscan component).
Or ask for a package containing the sfd files on the fonts-open-sans
package, which you then depend on.