Am 25.09.23 um 01:59 schrieb Danial Behzadi:
However I made a patch for the issue and pushed the code to Salsa.
Please do not add to the changelog until the font is uploaded. The copyright file is missing the Apache 2 license because it is a derivative work of OpenSans. Please add OpenSans copyright info, use "OFL-1.1 and Apache-2.0" for the license reference, and add: License: Apache-2.0 On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache License Version 2.0 can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'. Also, the font's Copyright data says: "Based on DejaVu font." That font is based on Bitstream Vera, whose copyright and license info must also be added. Again: You should investigate how to call fontforge to build the ttf files. If you need OpenSans to build the ttf then please add it as a secondary tarball (uscan component). Or ask for a package containing the sfd files on the fonts-open-sans package, which you then depend on.