Hi Barry, Barry Scott <ba...@barrys-emacs.org> writes: > I am build my first Debian package for Barry's Emacs > (https:://barrys-emacs.org)
Aside from Santiagos technical tips: If you really want to contribute your package to the Debian distribution, you should also have a few other things in mind: * Your package should come with a proper DFGS compliant [1] license. Your Github upstream package [2] doesn't have one, and it would be useful (not only for Debian packaging) to add one there. * I would recommend to follow the usual procedures here. Specifically, you should open an "Intend To Package" (ITP) bug [3] to indicate your packaging efforts. * The target distribution for the packaging is "unstable" (sid). From there it migrates to the Debian distribution. It also migrates to Ubuntu, Mint, and all the other derivative distributions. * The packaging efforts should be separated from the software development itself and usually happens on the Salsa Gitlab server [4]. I'd strongly recommend to allow team maintainance, to lower the barrier of packaging-related contributions. Best regards Ole [1] https://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines https://wiki.debian.org/DFSGLicenses [2] https://github.com/barry-scott/BarrysEmacs [3] https://wiki.debian.org/ITP [4] https://salsa.debian.org