I am build my first Debian package for Barry's Emacs (https:://barrys-emacs.org)
My build environment is Ubuntu 22.10.

There are some lintian errors that I do not know how to handler.

Now running lintian bemacs_8.9.3_amd64.changes ...
E: bemacs source: malformed-debian-changelog-version 8.9.3 (for non-native) 
E: bemacs source: python3-depends-but-no-python3-helper bemacs
E: bemacs: python3-script-but-no-python3-dep /usr/bin/python3 (does not satisfy 
python3:any | python3-minimal:any) [usr/bin/bemacs]
E: bemacs: python3-script-but-no-python3-dep /usr/bin/python3 (does not satisfy 
python3:any | python3-minimal:any) [usr/bin/bemacs_server]
E: bemacs source: source-is-missing [HTML/extn_intro.html]
E: bemacs source: source-is-missing [HTML/ug_top.html]
Finished running lintian.

E: bemacs source: malformed-debian-changelog-version 8.9.3 (for non-native) 

It seems that the changelog issue is around lintian mandating a issue to close?
I have no issue what do I put in the changelog? Or do I have to configure this
check off?

E: bemacs source: python3-depends-but-no-python3-helper bemacs

This seems to mean that I need something in the rules file to make lintian be 
My build system can set the shebang to what ever is expected. I have tried with
/usr/bin/python3 and /usr/bin/python3.10 both get errors.

E: bemacs source: source-is-missing [HTML/extn_intro.html]

This I am baffled by. The named sources are in the bemacs_8.9.3.orig.tar.gz but 
error claims they are not present.

How do debug this?


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