On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 7:21 AM Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu> wrote:
>  ...
> So it seems the bus error occures somehow here:
> https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/clustalo/-/blob/master/src/clustal/pair_dist.c#L346

NewProgress is at
It uses a progress_t at

typedef struct {
    /* where to write to */
    FILE *prFile;
    /* prefix printed before each step */
    char *pcPrefix;
    bool bPrintCR;
    char pcLastLogMsg[1024];
    Stopwatch_t *prStopwatch;
} progress_t;

And stopwatch_t at

struct stopwatch_s {
  time_t t0; /* Wall clock time, ANSI time()  */
  clock_t cpu0; /* CPU time, ANSI clock()        */
  struct tms cpu0; /* CPU/system time, POSIX times()*/

  double elapsed; /* elapsed time, seconds */
  double user; /* CPU time, seconds */
  double sys; /* system time, seconds */

There are your doubles that are likely the problem.

And what do we have here at

StopwatchPVMPack(Stopwatch_t *w)
  pvm_pkdouble(&(w->elapsed), 1, 1);
  pvm_pkdouble(&(w->user),    1, 1);
  pvm_pkdouble(&(w->sys),     1, 1);
StopwatchPVMUnpack(Stopwatch_t *w)
  pvm_upkdouble(&(w->elapsed), 1, 1);
  pvm_upkdouble(&(w->user),    1, 1);
  pvm_upkdouble(&(w->sys),     1, 1);

I can't track the trail any further. The source code is missing for
pvm_pkdouble and pvm_upkdouble. I would be very suspect of
pvm_pkdouble and pvm_upkdouble.


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