El 14/1/20 a les 9:55, Andrey Rahmatullin ha escrit:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 09:25:17AM +0100, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
>> I'm working with a package (octomap) that is composed by two libraries
>> depending on another one built in the same package.
>> The question is that to build that two libraries correctly firstly the 
>> library
>> that they depend must be build and _installed_. It's the _only_ way that I 
>> have
>> found without patched all upstream.
> Make two source packages or patch it so that it can use the library
> without installing it.
>> Please, someone can tell me how can I put in a d/rules a "make install" to 
>> /usr
>> that works?
> The package build process should NEVER do such things.

well, I don't agree with you position. However I have to admit that I'm just a
simple DM and not a DD, so my position could be weak.

But, it's difficult to me understand why I should make a complicate process
decoupling a package, patched and so on if just with one make install should be

Reading dpkg documentation and policy 4.9.2 [1] I understand that this step is
allowed and can be done. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't understand how to do it
because I have not seen any real package with this activated.

Best regards,


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